
Smart Farming: Future of Agriculture with Advanced Technologies


To study the history of agriculture is to study the history of change. Indeed, since the earliest civilizations, farmers from around the world have harnessed the power of new technologies to expand yields, optimize labor, improve efficiency, and increase profitability. As the future of farming unfolds, the cycle and trend will continue, with smart farming becoming the norm and agriculture adopting new technologies to adapt to changing climates, evolving threats, and the growing needs of society.

What Is Smart Farming?

The shift from traditional to smart farming is well underway. Traditional farming has long relied on the abundance of land and open spaces coupled with sunshine and rain to grow crops. However, arable land is no longer as abundant, sunshine and rain have become less predictable, and biological and virological threats have evolved. The needs of society are growing at a rate that could potentially outpace the capabilities of agriculture, so smart agricultural solutions become a necessity.

Smart Farming Technologies

Cropler 2024
Wheat 2023

Smart agricultural technologies are being developed and adopted to respond to the challenges farming faces today or are likely to encounter in the future. Notably, the so-called "Internet of Things" (IoT) provides extra capabilities and effectiveness through the use of agricultural drones, smart sensors, and robotics. Additionally, blockchain technologies are being utilized to ascertain seed quality and track produce from field to market.

Combined, these technologies can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Monitoring crop growth and current field conditions.
  • Tracking moisture, light, humidity, and temperature.
  • Analyzing data to improve predictive accuracy.
  • Automating irrigation systems.
  • Optimizing supply chains.
  • Calculating optimal harvest.
  • Improving food safety.

Smart Solutions to Agriculture’s Problems

When it comes to agriculture, there has never been a shortage of problems. Erosion, water scarcity, pesticide proliferation and pesticide resistance, climate change, etc. It's a long list, and smart solutions are being developed and deployed aimed to overcome these issues.

Precision farming is not a new concept, but there are new approaches and technologies that are making it easier. For example, adopting Cropler’s agri-cameras that provide real-time visuals so that you can watch your crops grow and adjust pesticide and fertilizer application, irrigation, and other factors that can increase yield and prevent the spread of crop diseases.

This is often combined with the use of agricultural drones. Drones allow for faster, easier, and more economical examination of agricultural operations. Drones can be helpful for monitoring and rapid assessment, but they are mostly used to deliver pesticides and to control infections before they spread.

Finally, perhaps one of the most interesting developments is the growth of precision livestock farming and the management of chicken and sheep flocks, cattle herds, hogs, etc. This approach takes much of the guesswork traditional farming used to rely on and quantifies it with actionable data regarding weight gain, health monitoring, and stresses that ultimately affect carcass weight. Much of this is automated which means that farmers have more time to analyze information and make effective decisions.

The Benefits of Smart Farming

There are plenty of reasons ag producers are recommended to adopt smart farming technology as soon as possible. These solutions have established proven records of effectiveness, and agribusinesses that embrace them have an advantage over their competitors.

One key benefit regards water conservation. The adoption of drip irrigation systems, soil moisture sensors, micro-sprinklers, drones, and cameras reduces loss of runoff and evaporation. Doing so improves the management of scarce water resources while reducing annual irrigation costs. Better using the water and applying it where it's most needed generates better yields and bigger profits at harvest. Moreover, when coupled with AI and developing machine learning algorithms, farmers can make better decisions regarding what, when, and how to plant their crops.

These decisions help agribusinesses to not only increase production but to increase its quality. Farmers can increase crop yield without expanding into new fields, and it allows for the growth of better, stronger, healthier crops. In time, this has the tangential effect of increasing the enterprise’s reputation which can bring new opportunities, partnerships, etc.

The implementation of smart agricultural technology has another benefit important for any business, which is reducing operational costs and increasing profitability. Less money spent on wasted water, optimized use of fertilizers, the ability to identify crop diseases early, and a reduction in scouting costs can significantly improve the bottom line.

The Influence of Smart Farming on the Farming Cycle

Optimization of resources and available smart farming technologies allows farmers to collect and effectively utilize accurate data. It's the technological update to the vaunted Farmer's Almanac that has guided the industry for generations. By gathering data on soil conditions, weather, crop health, and other factors, agribusinesses can streamline the use and application of water, pesticides, fertilizers, etc. It also allows operators to adjust planting and harvesting cycles to account for changing weather patterns.

Moreover, enterprises can reduce waste, lessen their eco-footprint, and stay ahead of evolving environmental regulations. From field to table, there's no step of the farming cycle that smart farming technologies can't improve.

Smart Farming Challenges

Training has always been a key challenge when it comes to the adoption of new farming technologies. Whether it's the cotton gin, tractor, or milking carousel, there has always been and will be a learning curve. With smart farming, this includes determining not only how to operate the machines, cameras, etc., it requires learning how to manage data, preserve data security, and other 21st-century concerns.

Cost is another key challenge. Adopting smart farming technologies is not often cheap and is cost-prohibitive for many smaller operations. However, there are two solutions. The first includes tax credits, rebates, and other incentives that help to lower the cost of investing in smart technologies. The second one is starting with innovative smart solutions that don’t break the bank, such as Cropler’s portable agri-cameras connected to a web platform with real-time data from the fields.

When you have questions, we'll help you find the answers you need to take control of your fields and the harvest you care about. Contact Cropler to discover more about our products and the ways we help you proactively protect your operations from the effects of crop diseases. Discover more

Cropler Offers Effective Agribusiness Solutions

At Cropler, our smart agricultural solutions are designed to give farmers a competitive advantage in the market. Our agri-cameras, web platform, and upcoming dual soil sensors make it possible to monitor your fields in real time and make timely adjustments to your operations. You can use these solutions for different purposes: monitor spots where pests, weeds, or other problems were detected or track the key phenophases of your crops, from sprouting to harvesting, to make more accurate agri-decisions.

Our systems work in conjunction with satellites and other technologies to monitor rainfall, assess changing weather conditions, determine the effectiveness of fertilizer and pesticide application, and more.

Choose Cropler for Your Future

Smart farming technologies aren't science fiction; they're rapidly developing and becoming a part of the agricultural industry. Whether you're growing wheat, corn, barley, or rye, our solutions give you the plant-based information you need to make the best decisions for the future of your operations. Our team will thoroughly assess your needs, recommend the optimal setup for your business, and provide the support needed to ensure a successful harvest.

Contact Cropler to learn more about the highly-rated systems we offer and how you can benefit from using them.

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