Crop Diseases: Types, Causes and Prevention

The health of agribusiness depends on the health of the crops in your fields. Diseased plants eat the bottom line away and necessitate prompt action. Early detection is the key to deploying effective responses to pests, viruses, bacteria, and a wide range of biotic and abiotic threats. To better manage your fields and increase your yields, you can use Cropler’s remote plant monitoring systems that deliver real-time data. Our solutions allow you to monitor the presence of many types of plant diseases, identify the causes, and take action to protect your crops and prevent issues from spreading or recurring.
Identifying Crop Disease
Crop Diseases Caused By Bacteria
Symptoms Of Bacterial Crop Diseases Include:
Common Bacterial Diseases Include:
- Fire blight
- Bacterial blight
- Bacterial crown gall
- Blackleg
- Aerial stem rot
- Tuber soft rot
- Citrus cankers
- Stewart's wilt
Bacterial Disease Control
Crop Diseases Caused By Fungi
Symptoms of fungal crop diseases:
- Extensive necrosis
- Damping-off
- Rot
- Dieback
- Blight
- Scab
- Leaf spots
- Warts
- Clubroot
Common fungal diseases:
- Powdery mildew
- Downy mildew
- Stem rust
- Fusarium wilt
- Potato blight
- Scab
- Apple scab
- Dutch elm
- Coffee rust
- Corn smut
- Botrytis cinerea
- Canker
- Anthracnose
Fungal Disease Management
How to Save the Yields and Quality of Crops with Cropler? When you have questions, we'll help you find the answers you need to take control of your fields and the harvest you care about. Contact Cropler to discover more about our products and the ways we help you proactively protect your operations from the effects of crop diseases. Discover more
Crop Diseases Caused By Nematodes
Symptoms Of Nematode Crop Diseases:
- Yellowing
- Stunted growth
- Wilting
- Declining yield
- Root knots or galls
- Swelling stems
Common Nematodes:
- Heterodera
- Globodera
- Pratylenchus
- Ditylenchus dipsaci
- Radopholus similis
- Xiphinema
- Aphelenchoides
Control of Nematode Diseases
Effective control of nematode-caused diseases includes using nematode-free nursery stocks, crop rotation, planting cover crops, and the strategic application of chemical fumigants and nematicides. Depending on the causative nematode, it may also be possible to apply biological controls such as bacterial parasites.
Crop Diseases Caused By Virus
Symptoms Of Viral Crop Diseases
- Mosaic patterns
- Deformed growth
- Chlorosis
- Ringspots
- Vein clearing
- Stunted growth
Common Viral Diseases
Control Of Crop Diseases Caused By Viruses
Immunization and selective plant breeding can produce virus-resistant crops. In many cases, quarantine as well as removal of afflicted plants is advised. Depending on the causative virus, the use of parasites may stem the spread of an epidemic and further crop contamination.
Crop Diseases Caused By Parasitic Plants
Common Parasitic Plants
- Mistletoe
- Cuscuta
- Orobanche
- Striga (Witchweed)
Methods Of Controlling Crop Diseases Caused By Parasitic Plants
Parasitic plants should be promptly and thoroughly removed to prevent recurrence or spread. It may also be advisable to consider suicidal germination and aggressive soil treatments, selective breeding to develop resistant hosts, and in the future, potentially the use of RNAi technology to prevent plant reproduction and contamination of field crops.
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- Wang, S. et al. (2023, February). Diversified crop rotations reduce groundwater use and enhance system resilience. Agricultural Water Management, 276.
When you have questions, we'll help you find the answers you need to take control of your fields and the harvest you care about. Contact Cropler to discover more about our products and the ways we help you proactively protect your operations from the effects of crop diseases. Discover More